Favorite equipment set up for real-time underwater camera use?

I’ve used a few different towable underwater camera set-ups / viewers but find that all have their shortcomings. Most of my experience is with SplashCam (https://www.splashcam.com/product/deep-blue-hd/) with their proprietary recorder case, and with Go Pros, but both lack the ability to integrate GPS coordinates and/or a real-time map into a viewer. I’ve seen others’ set ups that rig an assortment of technology together but they often seem cumbersome (and maybe more risky?) with so many different components. Any favorites to share?

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@JCarr we’ve used the SeaViewer system https://seaviewer-com.3dcartstores.com/
They have an option to add a GPS to the surface console. The one we have is pretty old so I haven’t used it in a while, but from memory, it wasn’t too bad. If I had any spare time, I’d crack it back open and play with it again. I think we need a new battery though… I need a clone. :laughing: