Potential topics for our March 2022 webinar

We’re making plans for a webinar in March. These topics were lifted up during the CERF Workshop:
Drones, Citizen Science, and Satellite Imagery.

What of these or what additional topics would you be interested in dialoging with your peers about? Reply to this post with your ideas!

  • Dave

I’d really like more “how to/nuts and bolts” of using satellite imagery for mapping. Gearing up to do our survey this year and more info would be amazing!

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I second this! Suggested aspects: higher res options (<10 m accuracy possible?) incl. cost for non-federal users, parameters needed for groundtruthing, corrections for water column turbidity.

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Would love to talk about the detection limitations of different survey methods, and best practices in photo-interpretation (what on-screen scale to work in, colormetric manipulations, MMUs, etc).

I like that idea. I reecently heard some seagrass beds called “Landsatable” because they were mappable from Landsat imagery.

  • Dave