Hi all,
I’m working on putting together a Request for Services for our mapping efforts this year (image acquisition starting in late June - September) and I was looking at our last one feeling that it was lacking. We’d like to include language to potential contractors that we are open to image acquisition from the traditional aerial capture or from satellites and that polygon development of SAV extent can be done by the traditional GIS technician or using AI/machine learning (e.g. e-cognition).
I was wondering if anyone has experiences writing such an open-option RFS and if anyone has past requests they would be willing to share.
Any advice on language to include…or to avoid for that matter?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Dottie, as a way to allow for new and creative data sources and methods we try to write our Requests for Services based on requirements of the data and products. For example: imagery must capable of detecting SAV at depths of (x meters) and be collected within tight tidal and environmental windows. Imagery must have a spatial accuracy of within x meters. Imagery must be available for sharing among project partners and the public. In terms of methods: habitat map data shall capture the following classes (x) at sizes above x MMU, at an accuracy of x%. the map data must be suitable for change analysis with earlier products. Will send an example for you to work from. Best, Mark
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